The Longevity School

The Longevity School

Hosted by: Brenda Bryan

You deserve to age vibrantly! Join us weekly as we explore ways to tap into simple, economical and effective lifestyle practices rooted in longevity science to live better longer. Aging is a gift and our goal is to...

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Do We Really Need 100 Grams of Protein a Day?

The current nutrition hypeĀ says we should get 100 grams of protein a day in our diets. While it's a good idea to strive for close to that most days, there are several things to keep in mind when it comes to protein...
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Anti-Aging vs Vibrant Aging: 3 Key Differences

Are you tired of the narrative around the endless quest to look and feel forever young and fight every aspect of aging? I am, too. That's not to say we don't want to cultivate a lifestyle to age vibrantly and look and...
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Hormones and Hair Loss: 15 Ways to Get Healthier Hair

There are many possible culprits when it comes to age-related hair loss and hair changes. And hormones are a big one for many women. Today we tackle 15 ways to balance your hormones for healthier hair and overall...
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The Magic of Movement as We Age with Guest Trent McDonald

Ever wonder why everything seems to hurt more as we age? Today's guest Trent McDonald, bodyworker, pilates instructor and movement expert shares why and what we can do to feel our best in our bodies with each passing...
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8 Hidden Factors for Age-Related Weight Gain and Resistant Weight Loss

Weight gain and resistant weight loss as we age can be extremely frustrating. And, it's not as simple as calories in; calories out like it was in our younger years. In today's episode, we reveal eight hidden causes of...
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Want Better Skin? Love Your Liver!

Having a healthy liver is important to your overall health, but did you know that many skin issues have their root cause in the liver? So, if you want better, healthier, more vibrant looking skin, itā€™s time to love...
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3 Keys to Functional Nutrition: Shift the Environment, Alleviate Symptoms, Dysmantle Dysfunction

When we look at using nutrition for health, prevention and even addressing symptoms and disease, these three principles that we cover in today's podcast are key. Learn how to use the food you eat to feel and age your...
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Relationships & Longevity: Why the Relationship with Yourself Matters Most

Quality relationships are a big factor in longevity with some studies showing they are the most important factor.Ā A huge life lesson that came out of my divorce in my 40s and rebuilding my life after was that the most...
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Precision Medicine Without the Price Tag

Precision, or personalized, medicine is the next evolution in healthcare. But it can be pricey and reserved only for those who can afford access to the handful of doctors trained in how to deliver it well. So, how can...
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A Roadmap for Longevity: 9 Areas to Focus on to Age Vibrantly

Want a roadmap for aging vibrantly? In today's episode, you'll get one. We'll walk through The Longevity School's framework with 9 areas to focus on to age feeling and looking your best! And, you can get it for free....
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Let's Get Real About Alcohol & Aging (Don't Worry, It's Not All Bad)

We've all heard the saying, "A glass of red wine a day is good for us." New research, however, says not so much. Bummer, right? But does that mean you should never have a glass of wine or a cocktail if you want to age...
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How Hormones May Be Wrecking Your Sleep

Sleep issues plague many people as they age. Today we're talking about how hormones can seriously disrupt your sleep. And, we're getting specific and breaking it down for both men and women. Poor quality sleep is a...
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